Monday, March 24, 2014


I spent the last week checking the weather forecast about every 30 minutes.  To my chagrin the prognosis for the date of most interest; 25 March, declined steadily day after day.   It seemed almost certain that Tuesday would see the arrival of another winter storm.  By the Friday afternoon I was resigned to the fact there would be no launch of my beloved Corsair on the scheduled date and called Herrington Harbor North to let them know I was relinquishing my "owner present" launch appointment.  They committed to getting the boat launched the week of 24 March but could not specify a date and time in advance.  More likely than not, it would be near the end of the week.

To ensure all was ready whenever the launch did occur, I drove over to HHN Monday morning and removed the winter cover, loaded my ladders in the truck and then stopped by the marina office to let them know the boat was ready.  Finishing up around 1:30pm I stopped by the "Happy Harbor" restaurant for a delicious $5 Burger and then drove back to the West Marine store where I bought a new hand-held Garmin GPS.  As I left the store and walked towards my car I noticed a travel lift moving towards the launch bay and in the slings Corsair was gently swinging.  

She splashed without a hitch.  As she sat in the launch bay we checked the new shaft seal and all the through-hulls and didn't find a drop.  So, it was off to a slip to await a short trip down to Herrington Harbor South later this week.

Here is a video documenting the launch.